Christmas 17 & 2018 Vintage
After a successful run up to the 2017 year end at our cellar door, Christmas was another big event with the culmination being our Xmas Sundowner. If you didn’t come along, by invite only (we run this event on rotational yearly invite) we are thinking of opening it up to more of our social media following, do let us know of your interest for the 2018 year end.
Currently we are getting used to the New Year and the digits 2018 and now it’s Vintage! Garbin Estate is starting this Friday morning 12th January, 2 weeks earlier than last year. The newly acquired Harvester (pics on website) is primed and ready and so is our Chardonnay fruit from Gingin vineyard coming in at 11 baume. Just perfect ripeness for our popular methode traditionelle sparkling which is always the first pick of vintage to achieve the higher acid levels required for producing good bubbles.
As we start our vintage we are offering 10% off all online sales during our harvesting season with discount code: VINTAGE .Starting January 12th to March 1st, we thank you for your support!
Stay tuned as we post pictures and videos from our harvest and for an end of vintage progress report blog. Find us on Instagram or like our live Facebook page for a progressive view of 2018 vintage in the Swan Valley, Western Australia.